Monday 24 January 2011

Basic information about Naturalist healers.

Nature healing is currently one of the most powerful area of effect healers within the game, due to pheromones; it occurs whenever you use a power with the Pheromones effect it will spread an Area Effect, Heal over Time on allies within a certain range. Certain powers take use of Pheromones to add in their healing, more specifically Blossom.

Both shape shifting and plant talent trees offer viable healing sides, yet to unlock a naturalist's true potential as a raid healer you must form a hybrid spec.  I don't like comparing classes to other games but this seems to be a lot like World of Warcaft's Druid class, due to all the HoT's and shape shifting.

The best transport choice to me seems to be running speed as later on you receive flight form, but in PvP it seems to be more viable to be Flight.

The Order I'd choose my talents if I started again would be:

  1. Vinelash - starting talent in the Plant talent tree.
  2. Blossom - it heals for more than metabolism and seems to cost the same amount of power.
  3. Roar - starting talent in the shape shifting talent tree.
  4. Metabolism
  5. Pterosaurs form - this is more of a filler power as it is required to unlock Insectoid form and later Hive mind.
  6. Regeneration
  7. Insectoid form - pre-req for Hive mind.
  8. Hive mind!

So Good luck on your new Naturalist healer and I hope to see you on DCUO!

Keep checking back for more news on Naturalist healers.

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